So, I thought it was time to do a little blog post about who I am and why I'm doing this. As I know, there are many blogs out there and I am an effectively throwing a drop of water into the sea of personal opinion. First of all, I have been pestered from various sides to start a blog (chiefly my father, who is like that). Secondly, it will force me to organize my art projects into one place so I can actually have a record of them. And thirdly, I will be using it as a sort of online resume that is easily accessible and updated regularly. If you, however, simply want to browse through for your own pleasure, feel free!
With that out of the way:

Greetings! I am Serena Nichols Thomas, otherwise known as Serenity, Ren, Ningjing, and many other nicknames which I will not bore you with. I have been drawing since I was 6, sewing since I was 10, and creating since forever. While my chief medium is graphite and textiles, I also like to dabble in leather, metal, oil, pastel, watercolor, jewelry, and just about anything else I can get my hands on. I am also a great cobbler, as in, I like to cobble things together from lots of other things and pieces of things. My chief source of pleasure (currently vying with curling up with a pot of tea and a good book) is creating costumes and wearing them to whatever renaissance fair, con, convention, or gathering I can find. I also love history and am always fascinated with historical clothing, places, events, and people. I have been known to read every book on a particular country in the history section of my library. Other books that might figure into my reading list are fantasy, science fiction, steampunk fiction, vampire fiction (only the non-teenage flick kind, and no, that does not include Twilight *glares at movie people who have ruined the reputation of the books*) as well as many kinds of biography's, political opinions, and informational books of all kinds.
When I am not sewing, drawing, or reading (or wasting my time on TV shows) I am usually at work or spending time with my family. Other of my (many) interests are playing the piano, cooking, shopping online, reading manga, browsing youtube, walking, and reading whatever news articles my father decides to clutter my living space with. I hope that you enjoy this small glimpse of what I get up to and are perhaps inspired to try some creating of your own.
One small note, I would like to give credit where credit is due. I am deeply indebted to Alisa of Dragonfly Designs by Alisa for inspiring me to get Alice (my dressmakers form) without whom I never would have progressed so far into the wonderful world of costume design. If this blog seems to be a (rather pathetic it is true) copy of her wonderful costume blog, then you would be right in assuming so (although I certainly do not intend to copy Alisa precisely or anything, she certainly gave me the idea) If you enjoy my blog, I strongly suggest you
go check out hers.