Sunday, June 26, 2011

First Look

So, a general overview of this costume.  I originally started this one in January of 2011 and intended it for the 2011 Highlands Renaissance Festival.  I also wore it to the Ohio Sate University Renaissance fair, but that was on a whim.  My idea was to create a steampunk costume, but to use Eastern influences, since everybody does victorian.  Not that I don't like victorian, I do, but I wanted something different.  So, I drew, drafted, cut, sewed, and touched up.  Here is a picture of the second draft for the vest.
I made it out of a chinese brocade that I had lying around and embellished it with braid.  I haven't added the braid in this picture, but you can see it in later ones.  I used frogs for closure, again seen in later pictures.
Over the vest goes an overrobe made of slightly sheer (and very sticky as I later found out) cotton.  The color of the cotton does not quite go with everything else, but it was the best I could do.
I later added embroidery to the front and beading on the bottom of the four panels.  Unfortunately, I was not planning on having a blog when I made this, and therefore did not take bunches of pictures. *punches self in face*  I will take more pictures later and add them.  Here are some pictures of the finished product, complete with patchwork pantaloons and all decked out with accessories. 

Shown here at the Highlands Renaissance Festival in Eminence, KY with my dear sister and a friend from France.  I do have a few accessory pictures.  The coolie hat was bought online and I added the octopus (the top hat I purchased at the fair and found it vastly more comfortable.  Coolie hats with goggles do NOT work).  The compass bracelet I constructed out of an old compass found in the attic (don't you love 111 year old houses?) and handy bits of leather. 

Well, that's all for this post.  I will take more detailed pictures for the maniacs like me who want to see every little bit.  

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